Glands (Myxedema) (Hypothyroidism)

Tuberculinum Bov

Tubercular glands in the neck. Give in varying potencies ranging from 200 to IM or CM. This alone may be sufficient to cure inflammation of glands. If it fails try the following.

Calcarea Iod

It may be given thrice daily in 30 potency, Tuberculinum Bov. may continue as an intercurrent remedy in 200 potency every month.

Calcarea Fluor

Induration and infiltration of glands, cellular tissues and bony formations. Stony hard glands. Rice bodies in cartilages.

Baryta Iod

When the inflammation of the glands is accom­panied with the inflammation of tonsils.

Hepar Sul

Enlargement of lymphatic glands which are hard and without suppuration. In oncoming of cold weather a particular gland may suppurate.

Cistus Can

Inflammation, swelling and suppuration of glands. It cures caries and old ulcers. The glands of the neck are enlarged in lines like a knotted rope.


Diseases caused by non-development and removal by operation of thyroid glands. Should be given for 3 months or so in 30 dilution.

Kali Iod

Indolent glands with hard edges and swelling; glands suppurate with curdy, thin and acrid discharges. Atrophy of glands. Swelling before hardening. Syphilitic.

Kali Mur

Follicular, disturbed action causes pimples on face, neck etc. Lymphatic effusion after inflammation.

Rhus Tox, Pulsatilla, Hippozaenia



Inflammation of lymphatic glands. Try in the given order after Hepar Sul. fails.

Ferrum Phos

Inflammation of lymphatic glands; face flushes bright red on least excitement. Menses too frequent and too profuse. Anaemia.


Affection of glands in weak persons suffering from diarrhoea and sweat.


Inflammation or enlargement of thyroid gland. The mesentric glands can be felt as knots. Patient is thin and anaemic. Swelling of Sub-maxillary glands. Palpita­tion of heart on least exertion. Enlargement of glands while the body withers.


Itching, swelling and induration of glands; dryness, heat and restlessness.


Swelling of gland's with marked heart symptoms. It lowers the blood pressure, reduces the pulse rate and increases the length of the systole to a great extent.

Carbo Animalis

Glands of the throat, mammae and axilla grow purple and indurated with no tendency to soften or go on to suppuration. Glands do not enlarge much but they are hard and burn like coals of fire. It also cures stubborn cancerous affections.


Glands become hard and sore. The glands under the arm inflame and ulcerate. The glands in the neck, in the groin and abdomen become enlarged. Inflamma­tion of glands along the course of the lymphatics, causing a chain like knots.