Seminal emissions (Spermatorrhoea and pollutions)

Acid Phos

Seminal emissions followed by great weakness, legs become weak with burning in spine; genitals relaxed and testes flabby; the penis has no power of erections; erections imperfect, semen escapes too soon during coition. Sudden relaxation of penis preventing emissions. Emissions with or without orgasm.


It is the head remedy for seminal emissions. It cures about 95 per cent of cases. Emissions are too rapid with long lasting thrill.

Kali Brom



These two remedies are indicated in abnormally frequent emissions. Digitalis is indicated when there is palpitation of heart with seminal emissions.

Picric Acid

Emissions with terrible erections and great desire.


Loss of semen at stool when the stool is large and difficult to pass.


When the emission is bloody.


Emission before the erection is complete.


Absence of emission.

Calcarea Carb

Emission tardy, with burning and stinging pains. Night sweats follow after every coitus or emission which is followed by weakness of mind and body. Emission too late.


Emissions with insufficient erections.

Carbo Veg

Emissions too soon and then roaring in the head.


Emission too late or absent.


Emission scanty with incomplete erections.


Slightest emotion brings on emission. Easily excited in the presence of females when the semen is discharged.


For weakness due to emissions.


Involuntary seminal emissions at night without dreams. Emission from slight excitement or exertion.

Nux Vomica

When the patient has headache with frequent involuntary emissions at night without orgasm, especially towards morning, backache.


Emission occurs during deep sleep without waking him.


Emissions with excessive prostration. Orgasm is easily produced—even by scratching arm.


Ejaculation of semen during stool without erection, followed by empty feeling in hypogastrium and pain in genitals.

Acetic Acid

Weakening emissions : semen passes at stool.

Aconite Cam

Pollutions without voluptuous dreams.

Kali Brom

Frequent seminal emissions, with depressed spirits, dull thought, backache, staggering gait and great weakness. It may be with or without orgasm.

Zincnm Met

Extensive abuse of genital organ with depres­sion and despondency. Pale sunken face with blue rings about the eyes.


Emission with violent erection.


Seminal emissions due to bad effects of sexual excesses when wet dreams occur without lasciviousness or any sexual excitement whatsoever. Nocturnal emissions occuring either without dreams or with non-sexual dreams. Also for masturbation and its effects. Penis glans get flabby.

Agnus Castus

Spermatorrhoea in old sinners. The parts are cold and relaxed, sexual appetite absent and the patient is melancholy.


Emissions in complete impotency when the erections are either absent or imperfect, the genitals are cold and shrivelled.


Too early ejaculation in coitus, sexual weakness.


Emission due to great emaciation caused by masturbation with dark rings about the eyes, sallow face, well marked peevishness and shyness.


Seminal emissions atonic. The organ is so relaxed that two or three emissions occur in one night with dreams followed by weakness particulary about the knees.


Larger emissions and continue longer.


Spermatorrhoea with erotic fancies and amorous dreams.

Tarentula H

Bloody semen with burning and heat.

Eryngium Aq

Head remedy for emission of semen with or without erections; give in 2X potency.

Ferrum Brom

Spermatorrhoea with anaemia.