Paralysis, Paraplegia, Locomotor Ataxia and Spinal Affections


Jerking, twitching, lightning like pains, headache, soreness, lameness; also diplopia, ptosis and various other forms of paralysis. Easy fatigue of the extremities, stiffness of the neck. Mind sluggish and muscular system relaxed. State of paresis – mental and bodily.


Painless paralysis.

Ambra Grisea

Diminished sensibility of all parts; feeble circulation.  Unsteady.


When the conductity of the nerves is impaired so that a prick of pin on the extremities is not felt until a second or so afterwards. Pain in the spine as if a red hot iron were thrust through the lower vertebra; lightning like pains shooting through back and abdomen; heaviness of the lower extremities so that they can scarcely be moved; inability to walk except in the day time and even then must watch steps carefully: tension of the skin of the face as though the white of an egg had dried on it, excessive sexual desire; involuntary emission. Constipation. Heel feels either numb or burning hot. Infantile paralysis-lower limbs.


For general and partial paralysis, constipation. Paralysis preceded by mental derangement, trembling spasms, shooting and darting pains in nerves. Hyperaesthesia of skin, can't bear to be touched as it hurts him. Wrist drop due to paralysis of muscles of the fore-arm. It also cures foot drop.


Is indicated when paralysis is due to overdosing of Aconite. Special irritation from suppression of menses.

Arnica Mont

Obstetric paralysis. In infants it may be due to injury at the time of birth that may result in paralysis. It may be due to compression of the brain or spinal cord resulting from forceps delivery;


Numbness of affected parts; from getting wet or lying on damp ground after exertion; parturition, sexual excesses, ague or typhoid; paresis of limbs; ptosis, coldness, numbness, and tingling. Injury to nerve by a strain causing paralysis. May be tried after Arnica fails.


Burning along the spine with formication which is the ranking symptom of this remedy. Sexual excitement which is present at earlier stages, has not only subsided but is also followed by impotency. Fatty degeneration of brain tissues with disinclination to work, study or concentrate.

Kali Hyd

It is indicated where there is history of syphilis in addition to the affection of nerves and glartds. Gumraata (gummy tumor) of the brain and often of the liver and other glands and glandular organs. The lightning like pains so characteristic of the disease are more frequent in the head than in the lower extremities. These pains are worse from heat and from lying on affected side.

Picric Acid

When due to mental and sexual excesses or anaemia. The stage of sexual desire may have passed and that of exhaustion supervened. Mental exertion aggravates. Weak, tired and heavy sensation of the lower extremities which makes walking difficult. Anaesthesia is marked.

Picrate of Iron

May be substituted for Picric Acid when in addition to anaesthesia (want of feeling) there is profound anaemia.


Inaction of the oesophagus or paralysis thereof, as a result of which fluids go down the wrong way or come out through the nose.


Paralysis of the motor system, reflex action is diminished or abolished, general paralysis, nervous weakness, dizziness, dyspnoea, vertigo. Dropping of eyelids, paralysis of muscles without affecting either the muscle or nerve substance.


Bad effect of nervous shock, spasms or convulsions from injuries to the head. It will promptly relieve facial paralysis resulting from forceps delivery, when Arnica fails.

Lathyrus Sat

Paralysis of extremities, especially the lower extremities. Spastic paralysis. Lower limbs emaciated. Legs blue, swollen when hanging down. Stiffness and lameness of ankles and knees, toes do not leave the floor and heels do not touch the floor. Patient sits bent forward, straightened up with difficulty. Feels as if limbs are heavy weight and floor irregular so that he is to see the ground to guide his feet. Worse by touch and damp weather.


As an intercurrent remedy when the well selected remedies fail. Give only one dose of 200 dilution empty stomach early in the morning.


Paralysis of single parts, vocal organs, pharynx and oesophagus, tongue, eyelids, face, extremities, bladder, generally of right side; from exposure to cold wind or draught; after typhoid, typhus or diphtheria. Paralysis due to lead poisoning. Paralysis of tongue of compositors from type held between lips. Give in IM dilution and go higher when there is no improvement or when improvement stops.

Argentum Nit

It has the same symptoms as Gelsemium but it is given as complementary in cases where Gels, has ceased to act. Paralysis of the insane. Silly, easily excited; jolly one minute, mad and sullen the next; mind weak, cannot write a sentence. Sharp cry with twitching of the muscles. Epilepsy.

Actea Racemosa

Specially adapted to the reflex form of spinal affections arising from uterine complaints and where the lumber region is mostly affected.

Agaricus Mus

Tingling and burning in the spine as if bitten by frost, muscular twitchings in various parts of the body, especially of eye-lids. Sensation as if needles of ice thrust into the skin.

Zincum Met

Spinal irritation with aching pain in the back which is better by walking. Burning along the spine.


When every nerve is irritated with burning and twinging sensation in the spine; numbness of the feet and hands. Crampy pains, muscles of the back rigid. Paralysis of the left side with shooting pain down the limbs.

Cocculus Ind

Paralytic aching in the small of back; all-gone sensation in the abdomen; stiffness of the heels.


Paralysis of the arm and sores after vaccination against small-pox. Give in IM dilution twice daily morning and evening for a week.


As an intercurrent remedy for staggering gait which is normally based on back-ground of syphilis.

Aurum Met

Paresis with suicidal tendency. Disgust for himself and for everybody and everything. Desires and aversions are extreme.

Arsenic Alb

Tabes dorsalis. Burning and shooting pains, darting like a red hot needle through all parts of the body. Better by hot application.


Paralysis commences from the foot and goes upward. Parts cold to touch. Cannot expectorate and swallows sputum.


Softening of the spinal cord; locomotor ataxia; affection of the lumber region of the spinal cord with weakness of the small of back as if paralysed. It gives out; knees give out when walking. Thighs ache, soles of feet feel as if asleep. Hands and arms fall asleep. Limbs straightened and held therefor a little while, can only be flexed with great pain. Paralysis of eye-lids (ptosis) and the throat producing paresis of degluti­tion. Soles of feet go to sleep when sitting.


Spinal caries followed by T.B. of fingers and/or of knees. Give in 200 potency every fortnight.

Alumina Silicate

Painless paralysis of lower limbs, also pain in the affected parts. Tension in the upper limbs. Tingling pricking in all the limbs, hands and feet.

Zincum Phos

At the commencement of locomotor ataxia with sharp lancinating pains, great weakness of the limbs, especially the lower limbs. Sense of heat in spine. Rest-lessness during sleep, tossing of the limbs and feet.