
Solanum dulcamara

Native to north Africa, Europe, and northern Asia, and naturalized in North America. Grows in moist, shady soil.
Has a long history of use as an antiinflammatory and a liver tonic. Stem extracts have been used for warts and eczema.
Fresh green stems and leaves are picked just before the plant flowers, then finely chopped and macerated in alcohol.
Common Names
Nightshade, woody nightshade, bitter nightshade, felonwort.
NIGHTSHADE A stimulant, diuretic, and antirheumatic plant, nightshade is highly toxic and therefore generally used only by trained herbalists.

Key Symptoms

conditions that are affected by weather changes from hot to cold; domineering nature; sensitivity to cold and damp; asthma; urticaria in humid conditions
    Since the time of ancient Rome, nightshade has been used to treat a wide range of ailments. One such ailment, abscesses called "felons" on the fingertips, inspired one of the plant's common names, felonwort. The 18th-century Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus prescribed the plant to treat fever and inflammatory infections. The homeopathic remedy, proved in 1811 by Hahnemann, is traditionally associated with people who are highly susceptible to damp and chills.

Remedy Profile

Dulcamara is typically given to people who are sensitive to cold and damp, with symptoms caused by rapid temperature changes or cold, wet weather.

In the symptom picture for Dulcamara, these physical factors outweigh psychological traits, but some confusion, irritability, impatience, and restlessness may be evident, possibly with a domineering attitude, notably toward family members.

Susceptibility to respiratory infections causing thick, yellow mucus is typical. Hay fever and other allergic reactions are also common, as are head and joint pain, eczema, and diarrhea.

Colds & coughs

Symptoms: Sore throat, with a thick, yellow discharge from the nose and the eyes. Thick mucus may be due to sinusitis, as may painful pressure and congestion in the head. A stiff neck is common, perhaps with back and limb pain. There may also be conjunctivitis, a rattling cough, bronchitis, or even pneumonia.

Symptoms better: For warmth; for dry, settled weather; for movement.

Symptoms worse: For cold, damp weather; at night.

Hay fever & asthma

Symptoms: Nasal congestion, with profuse, watery discharge from the eyes and constricted breathing. Exposure to animal fur, grass pollen, dust mites, and other allergens may aggravate the severity of symptoms.

Symptoms better: For warmth; for dry, settled weather; for movement.

Symptoms worse: For cold, damp weather; at night.

Head & facial pain

Symptoms: Pain in a specific part of the head, or with a sensation of heaviness, nausea, or confusion. Neuralgic face pain, perhaps caused by Bell's palsy, may be treated, or pain due to sinusitis.

Symptoms better: For dry, fine weather; for keeping still; for expelling catarrh.

Symptoms worse: For cold, damp weather; in winter.

Skin conditions

Symptoms: Thickened, crusty, itchy skin, notably on the scalp, which bleeds when scratched. Dulcamara is also used to treat urticaria (hives) brought on by sweating in humid conditions; large, flat, smooth warts, especially on the palms of the hands; and ringworm, often found on the scalps of children.

Symptoms better: For warmth; for dry weather.

Symptoms worse: For cold, damp weather; before menstruation.


Symptoms: Slimy, yellow or green stools, maybe with traces of blood. There may be nausea, and pain before passing stools. In children, symptoms may be triggered during teething.

Symptoms better: For warmth; for movement.

Symptoms worse: For cold; for damp; for rest.

Joint pain

Symptoms: Stiffness and pain in joints, aggravated by damp.

Symptoms better: For warmth; for movement.

Symptoms worse: For cold; for damp; for extremes of temperature; for inactivity.

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