
(See also "MARASMUS")


Wrinkled and sickly, especially the upper part of the body. The forehead may be frowning or wrinkled. Patient is peevish and irritable; cannot endure opposition.

Veratrum Alb

Wrinkled skin; vomiting and watery diarrhoea; bluish face; pointed nose.


When the whole body is emaciated and wrinkled. The face looks old, the infant looks like an old person. The face is wrinkled and has a sickly look. The skin is flabby and hangs loose in folds.

Aurum Mur

Wrinkles on the face due to syphilis. Body large and fat but legs too thin.

Argentum Nit

Progressive emaciation especially of lower extremities. Withered, dried up and old looking.


Progressive emaciation; child looks dirty, greasy and brownish; skin about neck wrinkled, hangs in folds.