

Great swelling and protrusion of tongue. Sweet taste in the mouth. Tongue flabby with imprint of teeth. Tongue will roll in the night occupying the whole mouth.

Aconite N

If there is much fever, it should be followed by Merc.


If the inflammation is due to a burn or a scald.

Apis M

Acute oedema. Dry tongue with stinging, burn­ing pains up to the throat.

Acid Oxal

If the tongue is swollen, sore, excoriated and/or desquamated.

Benzoic Acid

Swelling and ulceration of the tongue when the pains in the joints cease suddenly owing to stormy weather and by taking cold.


When due to suppressed haemorrhoidal and gouty affections.


When the affection does not speedily yield to Merc, or when the inflammation is of an erysipela-tous or of active nature.

Ars. Alb



Should be thought of when symptqms of threatening gangrene present themselves.

Crotalus Hor

Tongue swollen to nearly twice the normal size; cannot speak a word. Swelling of the tongue till there is no room in the mouth.

For Local Application


Twenty drops of Arnica mother tincture should be mixed in six table-spoonfuls of water and the mouth rinsed with this lotion thrice daily.

Urtica Urens

The lotion prepared in the same way as in Arnica is useful in certain cases when there is a burning sensation with little alteration of appearance or when the affection is caused by burns or scalds.