
Calcarea Fluor

Head remedy for caries and necrosis of teeth with loss of enamel. Unnatural looseness of teeth with or without pain; teeth become loose in the sockets.


When the teeth become black and have dark streaks through them and decay has commenced; sensitiveness of teeth to least touch; aching after eating or drinking. Milk teeth not fully grown and become black in spots and crumble away.


Decaying and loosening of teeth; bleeding gums. In the case of children when the teeth are pegged, it should be given persistently for three monts in a low potency, say 6, repeating this course again after a month or so.


Rapid decay and falling out of teeth; teeth sore; bleeding gums.


When the teeth turn black and decay, as soon as they appear.

Fluoric Acid

Rapid caries of teeth; fistula dentalis or lachrymalis.


Teeth decay at the roots, crowns remain sound.

Acid Phos

Yellow teeth, bleeding of gums, swollen, stand off from teeth, painful nodosities on the gums.


Teeth crumble and turn yellow. Teeth decay at the edge of the gums and break off.

Tuberculinum Bov

When teeth do not develop or appear. This remedy will produce teeth. Teeth look filthy and almost green in colour in children; a dose of this remedy will clean the teeth.


For ailments due to cutting of wisdom teeth.

Arnica Mont

A dose or two of this remedy be taken every half hour before going to dentist. It will prevent sur­gical shock. Two or three doses may be taken every one hour after the surgery.


Bleeding following tooth extraction, if the blood is bright red and profuse.


Bleeding from dental sockets after operation. Give two or three doses of this every fifteen minutes. It will stop bleeding and relieve shock. Teeth become discoloured, grey, hollow; bleeding of gums, dis­charge from teeth sockets, necrosis of jaw.


Rapid decay, elongated feeling in the teeth.


Caries of teeth in rickety children.

Calcarea Phos

Teeth late in coming or decay soon. Teeth sensitive to touch or pressure.

Calcarea Carb

Caries of teeth in fatty children. Teeth do not appear or where they appear they are distorted: ugly little crowns upon the teeth which are black. It is also a hemostatic that can favourably influence blood coagulability after tooth extraction.

Carbo Veg

Teeth decay rapidly; spongy gums, bleed easily, drawing and tearing pain in teeth from hot, cold or saltish food.

Natrum Sulph

Teeth become loose and fall out in sycotic constitution. The gums separate from teeth. Pain in teeth worse from warm things and better from cold drink and cold air.