Coryza (Acute and Chronic)

(See also "HAY FEVER" and "SYPHILIS")


Clear water from nose without coryza.

Natrum Mur

Watery, transparent discharges causing blister-like eruptions. Loss of taste or smell.


This is the best remedy at the onset, but this stage is generally passed without treatment. The patient at the earlier statge is feverish with dry ness and tingling in the nostrils. Restlessness.


Nose blocked with congestion in the head. Cannot breathe through the nose. Dry cough with pain in the chest.  An excellent remedy for flu.

Ferrum Phos

It is specific for colds at early stages and should be given in 30 dilution.


It is indicated in bland discharge from the nose which is thick. It has sneezing, headache, chilliness in the back and aching pains. The patient is dull and weak.

Arsenic Alb

It has the symptoms of watery discharge from the nose which is acrid and thin. There is sneezing and pain in the limbs as in Gelsemium. It has proved to be the best remedy for "flu".

Carbo Veg

Coryza due to stomach disorders. Coryza with seeezing when going to an overheated room.

Allium Cepa

Is useful when there is an acrid discharge from the nose accompanied with bland discharge from the eyes. Soreness of muscles and tired feeling is also there. Better when out of doors, worse in warm room. Very sensitive to odours of flowers and skin of peaches.


Is the reverse of Allium Cepa. Both have discharges from the eyes and nose, but in Euphrasia the discharge from the eyes is acrid whereas from the nose it is bland.


This remedy should be thought of in chronic catarrh and should be given in IM dilution. If there is an improvement no other remedy need be given. Watery discharge from the nose; worse by dust and tobacco odour; tickling and itching in the nose.


Coryza worse out of doors.


Cold followed by suffocative fits. Complete aphonia from cold. Congestion of vocal chords.

Lemna Minor

Chronic catarrh with post-nasal dropping. Nasal polypi. Reduces nasal obstruction.


Dry coryza renewed by slightest exposure, worse after getting wet or by living in damp base­ments, in the open air and night. Nose stuffs up in cold wet weather.


When there is thick yellowish-green discharge from the nose. It is useful for what is generally termed as ripe cold. The absence of thirst is a marked symptom of this remedy. Cold with consequent coryza and loss of smell and taste.

Arsenic Iod

This remedy is indicated in later stages of Arsenic Alb. The difference in the two remedies is that of modality. Whilst the Ars. Alb. patient is better in a warm or by hot application, the Arsenic Iod. patient is worse by warmth.


The discharge under this remedy is thick, viscid, ropy, yellow, bloody and acrid. There may be ulcera-tion in the nose. There is amelioration of symptoms in open air. Nose blocked. Ropy mucus is drawn, from posterior nares into the throat.


For chronic catarrh.


Nasal and pharyngeal catarrh.

Sanguinaria Nit

Post-nasal catarrh. Chronic bronchitis-and laryngitis.

Calcarea Sul

Inveterate cases of coryza; better in open air. Dry coryza. Discharge from the nose is bloody, excoriating, offensive, purulent, thick, yellow or greenish. Crusts from the nose. Offensive odour from the nose.

Merc. Cor

Nasal catarrh thick, acrid and glue like; excoriating.


Nasal catarrh, obstinate, with thick yellow or greenish yellow discharges. Paroxysms of violent sneezing.


Nasal catarrh due to suppression of foot sweat.

Sinapis Nigra

Acute coryza with sneezing and lachryma-tion, itching and burning in nose and eyes, dryness of nose or acrid discharge.


Thick yellowish green discharge from the nose. It burns and excoriates. The patient immediately begins to emaciate when the complaint comes on and is very hungry. Sinusitis. Loss of smell, deafness due to obstruction of eustachian tube. Hoarseness. Tonsilitis. Dry short, barking cough with sawing respiration,-Burning and suffoation.

Kali Hyd

Thick yellowish discharge; worse in warm room with rawness and burning in the nose; external nose very sore to pressure; whole face aches and the patient is extremely restless. Wants to walk in the open air which does not fatigue him.

Nux Vom

Stuffing of the nose in warm room.


Constant inclination to spit and hawk up large quantities of tough white mucus which he could feel drawn through the nares.

Nitric Acid

Nasal catarrh with violent itching and obstruc­tion in the nose. Discharge acrid, watery at night, yellow, offensive, corrodidg with swelling of upper lip. Coryza every winter, no sooner does he get over one cold he gets another.


Colds followed by pains and inclination to weep.

Cistus Can

Chronic nasal catarrh with frequent and violent sneezing, worse in cold weather and by inhaling cold air. Craving for cheese. Affects mucus membranes which throw out thick, yellow and offensive mucus. Old and troublesome catarrh. Feels raw after emptying the chest and nose. There is relief to this rawness when the chest and nose are filled up with mucus again.


Dry coryza, nostrils sore, swollen, ulcerated and scabby, discharging large green plugs. Very sensitive to noise, music and odours. Smell of cooking nauseates.

Antim Tart

Catarrh of the chest coming on during winter with white expectoration, prostration, sweat, coldness, pallor and blueness of the face.

Hepar Sul

Catarrh of the nose, ears, throat, larynx and chest. No mucus membrane is exempt. Coryza with sneezing and running from the nose when going into a cold wind. Watery discharge from the nose in the beginning and finally ending in a thick, yellow, offen­sive discharge. Pain in throat on swallowing as if full of splinters. Putting the hand or foot out of bed brings aggravation of all complaints.

Medorrhinum 200

Obstinate nasal catarrh; post obstruction with, loss of smell. Mucus white or
yellow. This should be tried when other indicated remedies fail.

Mercurius Sol

Coryza with thick greenish, yellow, acrid, stinking discharge with affection of nasal bones. Nose bleed and bloody discharge. Worse at night and better in the daytime.

Aurum Ars

A most useful remedy in old stubborn catarrhs. Caries of the bones of the nose. Coryza may be fluent or dry. Discharge bloody, offensive, fetid, greenish, purulent, thick or watery, yellow.

Magnesia Carb

Dry coryza which admits of respiration only through mouth.

Ammonia Carb

Dry stuffed coryza, worse at night; brea­thes with mouth open. Inability to blow the nose. Catarrh of the chest coming on every winter with yellow expectoration.


Acute coryza with fluent excoriating discharge and much sneezing.


Most distressing and long lasting catarrh, lingering, inveterate old catarrhs with destruction of the bones of the nose. Total obstruction of the nose; when riding must breathe through the mouth.

Ailanthus G.

Coryza is exceedingly acrid, excoriating, burning wherever it touches, the nostrils get sore and cracked.

Kali Iod

Chronic catarrh of the eyes, nose and throat with copious green discharge of muco pus which sometimes is very fetid. Coryza recurs after little cold, makes the nose red and swollen. Perforation of the bone. Voice becomes nasal, hoarse or is lost. Worse in heat and warmth of bed.

Kali Carb

Opening up of the nose in open air with burn­ing and headache which is very severe; the nose stuffs up in warm room, when it commences to discharge, the patient feels comfort as the headache disappears with the discharge.

Cadmium Sulph

Nasal catarrh which has progressed till the nasal bones are being destroyed by caries. Ulce-ration. Pain in the bones. Sneezing, coryza, boils, abscesses.


Coryza acute with much sneezing and burning in the nose and a sensation of coldness from inhaling cold air. Bleeding from the nose. Ulceration in the nose. It is useful for June-July cold, i.e., for coryza in hot season.


Tendency to colds which settle in the throat. In those who keep on taking cold and whose tonsils keep on growing and indurating.

Balsamum Peru

Bronchial catarrh with copious purulent expectoration. Debility. Hectic fever.


Repeated sneezing, causing heat, especially of hands, exhaustion and difficult breathing.


Constant catarrhal state, nose and throat dry and stuffed up, pain in forehead over the eyes: large green offensive ciusts in the nose; chronic catarrh. Dimness of vision, as if looking through a fog.