

Is indicated in wide-awake condition; impossible to close the eyes; physical excitement through mental exaltation. After happy news, after overwork which brings joy and after pleasant surprise, but not from discomfort or pain. Due to prolonged watching or abuse of drugs.


For sleeplessness from prolapsus of uterus. Uterine irritation during climacteric.


When due to the overcrowding of the brain with all kinds of pleasant ideas. Little babies often wake up and play the whole night to the annoyance of their parents.

Mag Carb

Sleeplessness from oppression in abdomen or from anxious uneasiness and internal heat, with a great dread of being uncovered. Sleeplessness from flatus.

Kali Phos

Head remedy for sleeplessness, especially during the latter part of the night. The patient is a nervous wreck due to business worries and excessive mental exertion.

Muriatic Acid

Sleepy, but unable to sleep; tosses about; dreamy and restless all through the night. Irritable.


Sleeplessness at night on account of dry heat, cannot rest in any posture. He cannot get quiet position.

Ferrum Met

Can sleep only by Change of position of the bed with head to the North.


Sleeps so light that he Hears everything in it. Dreams all night of the same Subject. Sleeplessness due to anxious thoughts, grief, sadness or any depress­ing emotions. Restlessness with a tremor passing through the body.

Arnica Mont

Sleeplessness caused by over-exertion and weariness of mind and body.

Aconite N

Sleeplessness from anxiety, restlessness; anguish and fear; child tosses about feverishly.

Arsenic Alb

Sleeplessness due to fear of air raids etc. Opium. For sleeplessness when Coffea fails.


'Cat nap sleep' Sleeps all day and is sleepiest at night.


In the morning sensation of not having slept enough.

Passiflora Inc

A very useful remedy for sleeplessness, but 1% should be given in massive doses of mother tincture, viz. 10 to 30 drops a dose.

Ambra Grisea

Sleeplessness arising from worriment of mind as from business trouble. The patient retires to bed feeling tolerably tired, yet as soon as the head touches the pillow he becomes wakeful.


Sleeplessness or insomnia due to nervous break­down.

Bellis P

Waking up too early in the morning and cannot get to sleep again. Use mother tincture.

Cocculus Indica

Sleeplessness due to night watching not of professional nurses but of relatives who have to nurse Patients with worry and anxiety. Thinking of the business of the day prevents sleep.

Scutellaria Lat

In nervous patients who are very intelligent, ambitious, active. They are the head of a society or business concern but cannot sleep well and continue brooding over the society and businees affairs. Sleep­lessness due to nervo-billious headaches located at the base of brain.

Nux Vom

Sleeplessness in drunkards or when it may be due to abuse of coffee or tea or deranged stomach.


Sleep is extremely restless due to congestion in the head. Cannot close the eyes, as he sees dreadful images on doing so. Children wake from sleep frighted.


Sleeplessness from nervous excitement. Brain full of bewildering ideas and images. Sleeplessness in children who twitch, cry out frightened and tremble. Irritable and easily excited individuals.


Sleepless due to pain.


For insomnia of brain workers. Useful for businessmen who pass restless nights, awaken early in the morning and worry over their business affairs.

Cannabis Ind

In obstinate form of insomnia with irregular sleep. Give in mother tincture in 10 drop doses.